Video is dominating the internet. I probably don’t need to tell you that. You already know about the growing prominence of YouTube, the meteoric growth of platforms like TikTok, and the fact that your computer starts playing ads constantly as you browse the internet, just trying to look up a recipe or check out some sports stats.
It doesn’t matter where you go, video is there. The same is true on social media sites. Even platforms that aren’t historically video platforms, like Facebook, are now full of them. And if you consider YouTube to be a social media platform in it’s own right, then there’s no denying that video is dominating the social media world as well.
How can you get in on that, with video ads that actually stand out and convert? In many ways, it’s about getting back to the basics of ads and selling, and finding ways to connect naturally with your target audience.
What are Video Ads On Social Media?
You’ve probably seen video ads on social media before, so maybe you’re already thinking of ideas, but before we dive into the creative side of things, let’s talk about the logistics. There are different ways to create video ads for social media.
Paid Ads on Social
When you think about video ads on social media, there are many ways to go about it, depending on the platform. For instance, Facebook advertises video ad options for video ads within other videos, known as instream, or videos in the newsfeed or in stories. LinkedIn, Instagram, and more have similar options. As you’re considering which kind of video you want to make, think about the goal of your video and who you want to connect with. You may even want to create a few different options and see which ones perform best. Because they are in the business of selling this ad space, every social media platform has detailed information about how to choose each particular ad. Here is LinkedIn’s ad how-tos and information, for example.
Promoting Your Own Video Post
Another option for video ads on social media is to promote your own posts. The benefit of this option is that you can create a series of videos or try different things until you get some positive feedback. When one of your videos becomes popular, you can then funnel money toward promoting that post so that more people see it.
Finding The Right Voice For Social Media Ads
Finding the right voice for your social media ads is about knowing your brand personality and your target market. What does your brand personality sound like? Have you thought about that?
If you have a brand guide, it probably contains things like your logo, your brand colors, your font, and other visuals. You may have a style guide or content guide too that has information about how your brand should speak in social media, blogs, brochures and more. But do you have a voice guide? Have you thought about your brand guide in terms of the sounds surrounding your brand?
Your social media ads should showcase a voice that reflects your brand. Think about your brand’s personality. Is it peppy, lively, and colorful? Then your videos should be too. Is it serious, even-keeled, and steady? Your social media ads should echo that. Is it techy, smart, and witty? That’s the voice you need. Is it light-hearted and jovial? Then you know the voice to find. Is it heavy, concerned, and focused? You know that voice too.
It’s the voice you hear in your mind, when you think about your brand. That’s the voice talent you should hire to speak in your social media video, especially if you are creating explainer videos or other videos that require narration.
Another way to think about who you should engage with for your social media video ads is to think about your target market. People are prone to making decisions and purchases when they hear from people who sound like them or sound like their trusted community. As an example, as a millennial mom, I tend to sound like a millennial mom. And millennial moms are more likely to take advice and hear recommendations from another millennial mom. Brands hire me to be that millennial mom voice to captivate and capture that audience.
Who is your target audience? What do they sound like? More importantly, who do they sound like?
This is something I’ve talked about even with political ads, which of course are often on social media as well. There is a wonderfully diverse pool of voice talent available for any social media voice. Digging into the details with that and hiring the right voice can go a long way in helping you connect with your audience.
Which Social Media Platforms Should You Post Ads On?
Don’t make the mistake of feeling like you need to be everywhere at once. Just be where you need to be, where your target market is.
Target Market Habits
It really comes down to the question of where does your target market hang out. It’s something you’ll hear all the time in marketing advice, but when the time comes to actually create your social media video campaign, you may be tempted by the numbers or the flashy opportunities. Keep your head down. Stay focused on where your target audience actually hangs out. It will be well worth your time to put your emphasis on Facebook and Pinterest, if that’s where your customers are. On the flipside, if your customers are flocking to the next big thing in social media, such as TikTok or something even newer, then it’s worth exploring those platforms.
How Do They Use Social Media?
It also depends on how people use each platform, as well. What are they doing when they are scrolling through Facebook? Are they using it for Marketplace or connecting with friends? How about Pinterest? What is your target market looking for when they are searching there?
LinkedIn is an interesting place to consider as well. Although it is traditionally focused on careers and business, it’s also a place people scroll to connect with like-minded individuals and ideas. They may be getting news from there or connecting with colleagues or classmates.
Think about why your target audience is using that particular platform to help shape what kind of video you want to post. What are they looking for? Can you be that?
Video ads on social media can be a great way to connect with new followers and send people to your website. Make sure you are using the right voice to connect with your audience and place your ads on the social media platforms that make the most sense for your brand.