We’ve all hit a dry spell here or there sometime along the way. Sometimes it just comes out of nowhere, totally unexpected. You’re humming along and then all of a sudden things slow way down.
Sometimes, you face a quiet season with others in your industry, when certain sectors take a hit.
And sometimes, the whole world faces something like a pandemic and everyone across the board feels the stress of it all. Even as we start to come out of this one, the reality is that dry spells happen. No matter what you do for work, you’re likely to hit a drought again. Whether it lasts for a few moments of mental exhaustion or for a longer period of drain and stress, here are a few tips to get you out of a rut and get you back in the groove again.
1. Reach Out to New Clients
Sometimes exactly what you need is one of the hardest things to do. When you aren’t cranking out work, you have more time to get some marketing done. If you’re feeling like you’re in a funk, reaching out to new potential clients can re-energize you and get you motivated again.
Filling the top of your sales funnel is a really efficient use of your time when things are slow. Marketing our own work is so often overlooked when we are busy. Take the time now to return to your old lists and make those connections.
2. Update your demos
When was the last time you updated your demos or portfolio? Sometimes life, and business, just gets so busy, and it’s not long before our marketing materials become outdated. Do your materials reflect your current work?
In every business and art, we evolve and grow every time. With every new project, we learn more and our craft develops. If you’re a voiceover talent like I am, your range may have changed as you work with new clients and on different projects. And your own voice may have changed over time as well. Do your current demos still sound like you?
Even if your demos are an accurate reflection of your voice, are they a full interpretation of your work? Now’s a great time to make sure you include all the industries and types of projects you are involved with. YouTube is a great place to keep your demos updated and relevant.
3. Batch plan your marketing
You know all those blog posts you’ve been meaning to write and all the YouTube videos you’ve been meaning to create? Use this dry spell to batch plan, and create, your marketing content.
Dry spells can certainly be disorienting in their lack of deadlines and open schedules, but that cleared calendar may be just what you need to finally crank out all that content you’ve been wanting to get to.
Start by getting organized and making a plan. You can write out an editorial calendar or social media plan.
4. Network with your community
Many of us have grown accustomed to working solo, remote from any teams. For those of us in the freelance world, that’s nothing new. We’ve been working from our home studios and other home set ups, even before the whole world went virtual. Even though it has worked well for me for a large portion of my career as a voice over actor, we all miss interacting with people.
I look forward to getting back to my favorite voice over conferences, even while they are virtual. Here’s a list of events happening in 2021 if you’re looking for great places to connect with fellow voice talent.
You don’t have to wait for an event or conference to roll around to connect with your community. Go through your inbox and email address book and start sending some messages. Who have you not talked to in years? Who have you grown apart from professionally?
Another way to get out of a funk in business is to get outside. Start visiting some local shops and restaurants and start talking with people. Actual people. Say good morning, ask how business is going, start a conversation. Maybe you’ll land some leads, or maybe not. But maybe just the act of interacting with people will help bring a fresh perspective.
Not sure where to start? Head on over to LinkedIn and start saying hello. Are we connected there yet?
5. Take classes/coaching
Sometimes our dry spells come along with feeling stale or stuck in our business pursuits. Maybe you’re feeling worn down or burnt out by the pace of your industry lately. Or maybe your business has taken a hit and you need to pivot a bit
During those dry spells, sometimes the best thing we can do is arm ourselves with more information. Learn a new digital skill or take your expertise to the next level.
If you’re looking for more foundational changes, try out a business or life coach. Sometimes that outside perspective can help us see our business and our routines with better awareness and focus.
However you choose to empower yourself, education in any form can help you unlock new doors, mentally and practically, to get back on track.
6. Revisit your yearly goals
When’s the last time you looked at your goal list? Did you write one in January? Or maybe you created a vision board or a five year plan.
Slower times in business is just the right time to revisit those goals. How well is it going? Are you on track or have the realities of business derailed you a bit?
You can use this time to make some plans. Break down your goals into smaller chunks. WHat can you do this quarter? This month? This week? Today?
Taking the time to plan out a path to your big goals takes time that you may not have when business is hopping. Use this time to strategize.
7. Read up on trends in the industry
When we’re head down in business, it’s easy to lose track of what’s cutting edge or up and coming in our industries. Using your down time to get caught up on what’s going can set you up to come out on the other side better prepared to meet market needs and stay ahead of the competition.
It can also help you feel empowered and in charge of charting your course, rather than just sitting back and waiting. You may even find something new you love.
8. Schedule a vacation and enjoy it!
Yes, I’m going to say it. Take some time off. I know, it’s so countercultural. And really? Business advice that essentially means stepping away? That’s just crazy. But in reality, we so rarely take the time to do this. We never step away. We never unplug.
And we need to. Use this downtime as a sign that it’s time to just relax and enjoy life. Spend real time with the people you love and get back to the things that really matter. You can return refreshed and ready to tackle business out of a place of rest.
We always refer to being busy as a good problem in business, but sometimes those slow downs are just inevitable. And that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.